For over 238 years, we’ve made a habit of never resting on our laurels. And the achievements of today are case in point. Read on and discover them for yourself.
Board of Regents approves a new public medical school at UGA.
UGA and Dalan Animal Health develop the world’s first honeybee vaccine.
UGA Peanut Innovation Lab receives $15 Million federal grant to fight world hunger.
Steven Stice & UGA’s Regenerative Bioscience Center head up first-of-its-kind cell therapy targeting brain inflammation caused by stroke.
UGA has several centers, colleges and departments working together to battle malaria and other deadly diseases.
UGA’s Innovation Gateway again leads the nation in new products based on research.
UGA’s Jenna Jambeck determines where plastic pollution comes from and how to keep it out of the water.
UGA researchers create ‘Brain Glue’ hydrogel that adheres to the brain and helps repair injuries.
UGA’s Cognitive Aging Research and Education (CARE) Center helps patients and their families navigate the challenges of dementia.
UGA researcher Dr. Anumantha Kanthasamy receives millions in Federal grant.
UGA-Developed varieties thrive in the world’s harshest climates.
When it come to students returning to campus, UGA outpaces the national average.
UGA’s one of the only universities with an academic building in Wash., D.C.
Mariah Cady named the 28th Rhodes Scholar in UGA history.