From brain health to healthy crops, our researchers are dedicated to finding solutions to some of the world’s biggest problems. Keep reading to see what we’re working on.
“The results speak for itself—we’re on the right track. We’re optimistic that the CVXGA vaccine will help humanity fight against viruses.”
UGA Leads Efforts to Protect Dairy Supply from Avian Influenza
“Our goal in science is ‘complete knowledge’—imagine what we could do if we truly understood how organisms work.”
“The ocean includes some of the most spectacular extreme environments on the planet. Doing research in these environments teaches us a lot about Earth’s past, as well as about Earth’s future.”
UGA’s unique approach integrates precision medicine with a holistic focus on health care.
“How can we use the genetic makeup and molecular fingerprints of individuals to learn or even predict how a disease will affect them? And how do we use that information to find the right individual treatment? That’s what we’re going to find out.”
“What drives us every day is the opportunity to move our scientific results from the laboratory into vaccines and treatments that will advance and improve health.”
“Partnerships are important for crossing the valley from research to ‘so what’ within our society.”
“There’s no other opportunity like this to see a medical school built from scratch. It’s just incredible. It’s history.”
“We’re utilizing advanced modeling to explore the role of multiple, interacting aspects of agricultural systems, with the ultimate goal of improving crop productivity and sustainability.”
UGA has several centers, colleges and departments working together to battle malaria and other deadly diseases.
UGA researchers create ‘Brain Glue’ hydrogel that adheres to the brain and helps repair injuries.
UGA researcher Dr. Anumantha Kanthasamy receives millions in Federal grant.